I was searching for a low cost way of siphoning my homebrew. The other main requirement was that the approach had to be hygienic.
This is the easiest way I found to siphon with only the minimum of equipment. Thanks to this video for the idea.
This technique only works on vessels that you can create an air tight (ish) seal on. Bottles, demijohns and similar narrow topped containers are ideal.
As with all siphons, the fluid to be siphoned has to be above the container you want to siphon into.
You will need the following:
- One long tube which will be your siphon tube. I used a brewing racking cane and siphon hose.
- A short tube (5cm will do). Use any tube like material you have to hand. Cable sleeve or party straw would do fine.
Place the two tubes, so the main tube reaches the bottom of the vessel to be siphoned. The short tube is held at the top.
Grasp the top with you hand doing the best you can to create an air tight seal. Pressing down on the container will help.
An alternative is to use something like blutak or any putty like material to create a seal.
Blow into the short tube. If the seal is good enough then it will force the fluid up the main tube.
Once enough fluid has been siphoned, gravity will take over.
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