
Following in the foot steps of many before me, the question arose of what to do with ones shaving stick?
When acquired, it comes wrapped in a simple foil wrapper. Ideally it needs some better container to save it from general usage and make more handy.
It feels like it is also in such simple packaging to make users the world over ponder just this very problem.
My initial thought was some kind of tube, large enough to hold the stick, but catch on the green plastic cap. However that was too specific and I found nothing matching that diameter.
Instead the suggestions on the forum proved far more thought out.

The shave stick is very easy to grate and then compact into the chosen container. No heat or microwave needed.

An Aldi Sun Stick worked very nicely providing the obvious retractable mechanism.

An empty glitter pot (or film canister) with a hole drilled carefully in the bottom. Insert a 2p coin to act as a moveable base.
Both approaches work well and were easy to make. The standard 50g stick was split into both containers.
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