Thursday, 25 September 2014
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Vanilla Fudge MK2
This, the third attempt, to make fudge has proven more successful. Still following the basic recipe and thinking about the cooking process.

This time I used a sugar thermometer to ensure it got to the correct temperature (115C) before allowing it to set.

Note: Use a low to medium heat and a non-stick saucepan.
In particular I noted that towards the end of the cooking sequence, the temperature rose quickly, but this could be a side effect the saucepan, heat or stirring.
The result is delicious though not completely smooth.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Velcro Blocks
Thanks to chasing cheerios for this splendid hack.

Little else needs to be said other than - awesome!
Shave Stick

Following in the foot steps of many before me, the question arose of what to do with ones shaving stick?
When acquired, it comes wrapped in a simple foil wrapper. Ideally it needs some better container to save it from general usage and make more handy.
It feels like it is also in such simple packaging to make users the world over ponder just this very problem.
My initial thought was some kind of tube, large enough to hold the stick, but catch on the green plastic cap. However that was too specific and I found nothing matching that diameter.
Instead the suggestions on the forum proved far more thought out.

The shave stick is very easy to grate and then compact into the chosen container. No heat or microwave needed.

An Aldi Sun Stick worked very nicely providing the obvious retractable mechanism.

An empty glitter pot (or film canister) with a hole drilled carefully in the bottom. Insert a 2p coin to act as a moveable base.
Both approaches work well and were easy to make. The standard 50g stick was split into both containers.
Homemade Vanilla Fudge

This recipe is based on the one found here, and will be updated after tasting the results.
Note: Like making jam, the boiling mixture will bubble furiously, use a large pot.
- oil, for greasing
- 300ml semi-skimmed milk
- 350g caster sugar
- 100g salted butter
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Grease 18cm square baking dish to store the fudge as it sets.
Warm milk, butter and sugar in a tall pot to dissolve the sugar.
Once dissolved, bring to a rolling boil for 15-20 minutes, stirring continuously. The mixture should end up looking reduced and slightly more viscous.
Allow to cool slightly (5 minutes). Add the vanilla then beat until it becomes thick and glossy.
Pour into the greased dish and allow to cool completely, do not cool in the fridge.
Chop into cubes and enjoy.
Fudge Failures
In an attempt to make some fudge this evening I discovered two important lessons about working with sugar.
The first was about temperature. When sugar is heated to various temperature our changes state when it cools. in the case of fudge 115C is needed to produce the Soft Ball stage.
The second is the complicated question of chocolate. Adding chocolate to hot fudge appeared to make it seize, but it may have also been a side effect of too high a temperature when cooking the fudge.
Either way, over cooked fudge looks like this...

Admittedly I kept stirring it to get it to this consistency.
So in conclusion I should get myself a sugar thermometer.