Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Doom Bar (clone)


This recipe is a clone of a beer that is famous in Bristol and the South West, Sharp's Doom Bar. There are a number of clones of this recipe, the one on Brewtoad I liked the look of is titled How Now Brown Cow?.

The recipe is a simple combination of malts and hops. Brewing it was a delight of solid hoppy smells.

The 1 gallon converted recipe is as follows:

Marris Otter (Pale Malt) - 668g

Caramal Malt - 48g

Roasted Barley - 36g

1/2 Ale Yeast (Safale-S04)

This brew like all non-cloudy ales calls for protofloc (1/4 tablet) which always looks interesting.

Looking forward to bottling this one.

American Wheat Beer (with Orange)


This recipe was based around the ingredients we had left over from other brews and what I could find on Brewtoad. In this case I found American Style Spiced Wheat which fitted what we had left over.

The recipe I ended up with was:

Wheat Malt - 577g

Honey - 165g

Caramel Malt - 41g

Pale Wheat Malt - 21g

Zest of 1 Orange

1/2 Wheat Yeast sachet

The brew is using honey to provide the extra sugar. On brewing this I thought it was a little on the weak side so I did a little extra sparging.


Racked it to secondary. There isn't as much of the brew as I would like so added 1/2 teaspoon of sugar to the demijohn to get a little extra C02 to push any air out. Swirling the brew around also appeared to have the same effect. In hindsight, the extra ferment (albeit slight) was not necessary and only served to leave a tiny amount of sediment floating in the brew.


Bottled into 9 275/330ml bottles. From a brief sample I managed to try it was a very promising taste. Strongly orange, wheat beer flavours. A slightly stronger than usual alcoholic punch as well.